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The World Race starts in 7 days! I’ve been getting all my things ready since last September and boy did it come fast! I’m beyond excited for all that is to come! I can’t wait to meet my team, travel so many places, and be the hands and feet of Jesus. God has been so faithful with my fundraising, and I am so blessed to have so much financial and prayer support!

First off, I wanted to introduce my blog, tell you why I am going, and how it all started. Last summer I went to a camp called Cedaredge and it changed my life. There I truly felt God’s presence. I had been praying about what I should do after high school, and I felt God leading me to the World Race. Shortly after that I applied and had my interview, and I was in! I felt excited and nervous all at the same time! Since then, it has been a lot of mixed emotions, but I know this is what I am supposed to do. God has really opened doors for me to do this during this season of my life. Throughout this year I have been building college credits to hopefully make the transition to whatever comes next easier. I am eager to grow in my relationship with God, travel, and overall, just be able to gain perspective!

Thank you again for supporting me and I cannot wait to share all my adventures and above all what God does! Check back for updates as I will be posting them frequently 🙂